A brilliant Cuban cigar brand, the Fonseca is the only Cuban cigar brand that comes wrapped in it's own unique and very exquisite paper. The paper, serves the ever so complex duty of maintaining the Fonsecas and making sure that they are always at the most optimal level. Is their anything about Cuban cigars that is not there for a reason - Just another reason that got me over the head when it comes to Cuban cigars.
This brand has been a big success on it's own and in taking the Cuban cigar name outside of Cuba. It all started in 1907 and the fonseca cigars have been in demand since. People who try them love simply put we have the people of Quivicon, Havana to thank for such a masterpiece. Fonseca cigars also come in various shapes and sizes.
In 1991 Fonseca was reborn and has again become one of the top selling Cigars Of all time. Now rolled in the