It was before the Cigar Boom, in the late 80's or the early 90's when Michael Chiusano, an investment Manager at the time, discovered quality cigars as a hobby. Soon after that, He found himself importing a small batch of cigars from the Dominican Republic to be sold at the Two Guys Smoke Shop under the new born Chiusano label. And it did not take long for the Smoke Magazine to notice the new cigar (and give it one of the highest ratings in the first anniversary issue).
The timing was perfect considering the business in 1995. Demand was still over powering the supply in quality cigars, and Michael soon found himself importing loads of cigars under his newly named Cusano label, just to fulfill the orders for a total of 10 000 cigars he had suddenly received. This was the time for the Cusano Hermasos trademark to make its first appearance. The rest of the story is cigar history, really.