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Duque cigars Ladies "The Aficionadas":


 Duque Cigars is proud to announce that we love the Women who love cigars and the Men who love them!

 Recent demographics indicate that female cigar aficionadas has increased to 5% of the cigar retail market, and that number is on the incline!  However, the phenomenon is still approached as somewhat of a Taboo in this country; or filed under “things we do but don’t speak of”.

 Considering the fact that women have been “lovers of the leaf” since its discovery centuries ago, we female cigar lovers shouldn’t really be considered a phenomenon at all.  Due to this fact, I believe the 5% shared market is probably much higher but some gals would prefer to stay incognito about it for the time being.  Imbibing in a well made cigar and enjoying all of the attributes of the experience, such as contemplation, relaxation, reprieve, solitary introspection and/or associating with like-minded people, is a human privilege that should be enjoyed by all who wish to do so.

 As such, we have facilitated our Ladies Only Events (guys can join after event time!) so that our female customers can enjoy all we have mentioned above.  Our Ladies Events are held on a monthly basis, usually falling on the 3rd Saturday of the Month.  They are themed to increase the merriment of the occasion.  Quiet contemplation can be enjoyed in the privacy of our own homes or during our regular store/lounge hours 10 – 9.  The events are always held on premises at Duque Cigars,

 Please see our Gallery for photos from our recent events!  Also click on our Calendar of Events for all upcoming event dates and times.

410-12 Fifth Avenue, Indialantic Florida 32903
, 321-206-0363.  Indialantic is a quaint beach town in the Melbourne area, located in Central Florida.
"Little Black Dress Night"  April 16th, 2011 on premises at Duque Cigar Lounge, 6:00 till 10:00 pm...Cigars,Hookah,Wine,Cheese and lots of Girl Fun!!
412 5th ave Indialantic 321.206.0363

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