Product 21/44
Honduran Habano sun-grown Fuerte Cigars
These Cigars were made by a well known cigar maker out of Honduras, whose cigars sell for more than 4 times the price we are selling them for. They are perfectly handmade with aged tobacco from the exclusive Jamastran region of Honduras that is blended with rich long-fillers from the Jalapa Valley of Nicaragua. It is all in a dark Cuban seed sun-grown Habano wrapper from Honduras. After smoking one you will say Perfecto to its medium to full body taste. Smooth and with all the complex flavors that you expect from Cuban-seed tobacco, you will truly enjoy the well balanced leather, floral and earthy notes, and the mocha and licorice undertones. It finishes with waves of sweet spices, cocoa and roasted nuts.
Package: 5 Pack
Comparable to a Punch Maduro